Monday, March 07, 2005

The First Call

The First Call is important in the tech support world. It can either make or break the day you have in front of you. My first call this morning was so insane, I had to write it down.

The lady called in complaining that she couldn't write any checks in a future day. I asked her what date she wanted to write them in and she said 2005. Her open fiscal years are 2003 and 2004.

This call should be over in two minutes.

I inform her that all she has to do is close the 2003 year. Once 2005 is open, she can write the checks. "I already know how to do that. I have three companies in my system and they can write in 2005. Why can't my company?"

"Because . . .2003 is still open. Once it's closed, that will solve the problem, "I inform her, as if it should be painfully obvious, "If you like, ma'am, I can help you close the year."

"You're not listening to me!" she screams, "The update closes out the year! I've never had to close the year."

"Ma'am, to the best of my ability, the years have ALWAYS been closed manuelly. The update never does that."

"I don't give a (beep) about closing the years! I want to write checks in a future and keep those years open."

Dear God. Why me?

"Ma'am, to the best of my abiliy, the program doesn't function that way. But I will be more than happy to test it."

"Fine!" she groans.

I beging to test it and sure enough, it gave me an error message when I sent the date of the check to far into the future. Before I could tell her anything, she hung up. So even though I was the professional and she wasn't, I called her back anyway. The moment she answered, I re-introduced myself and informed her of my testing results. She then asked AGAIN why it wouldn't let her write checks in 2005. I knew I was gonna get yelled at but I answered the only logical response. "Ma'am . . .I am sorry but it will not write checks in 2005 if the year isn't even opened."

"Look, sir. Let me tell you something. I DON'T DRINK MY FATHER'S BATH WATER!"

You don't drink your . . . WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN???

"I know what I saw!" she continued, "The update closed the year! Now I want the update so I can close mine!"

I immediately talked her through the website download to make her happy, considering she wasn't listening to me. She said she would call back if she had any other questions.

Besides the bath water water, I still wasn't sure if I understood where the call was going. The only thing I could think of why she was so upset is cause she was calling from California and it was 8:40 am when she called. Meaning over where she is was it 5:40 am.

Perhaps she'll be more coherant after a cup of coffee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatsup Jasen??? Its me Vince, I've visited your site quite a few times but never left a comment..Just wanted to say hello and hang in there buddy..That does sound like a rough call and you did the best you can. BTW, if it is 8:40am in CA it will be 11:40am here.

3:22 PM  
Blogger Samantha said...

Ahahah, this makes me feel better about my day.

3:26 PM  

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