Thursday, March 17, 2005

Last Night at D & B

Last night we had our team meeting at Dave and Busters. The food was pretty good. What me and Rod thought were micro-queses, turned out to be micro-pizzas. The desert was a center piece that consided of M&Ms, Peanut M&Ms and skittles. "I hate biting into something I think is an M&M but it turns out to be skittle," Rod mentioned. I couldn't agree more.

After the dinner we went to play our games in individual teams. Our referee that told us what to do was half-drunk I think but it made the experience all the more fun. Our first game was a basketball hoops game. I managed to rack up 25 points which isn't bad considering I don't play that game at all. The funny part was Ramona, a very nice girl who doesn't talk that much. Yet here we see her rack up 39 points. I asked her when she was quitting our company and going to go try out for the NBA. We all shared a good laugh.

The other three games were a horse racing game, the Daytona racing game and then last but not least, skee ball. What sucked is that we didn't play the shooting game which is something I am good at. That was my only disapointment of the evening.

Later I went to my game (which I still don't remember the name of) and scored over 1000 tickets. I cashed them in and went shopping for stuff with Sandi. Roz joined us and evetually we all picked up stuff animals. I wanted to get something for my friend Linda and Johnnie. That place doesn't have anything I want for lower tickets.

Roz then asked what her carebear was named. I read the tag to her. Its name was Bedtime Bear. She replied, "Uh, uh! Her name is Nancy."

"That is just a tag they put on there to give the kids something to relate to. The bear's name is Bed Time Bear." I told her.

"It says right here, HER NAME IS NANCY!" she says, holding up the tag as if I can't read.

I didn't decide to argue any further. If she wanted it that way, whatever. The only reason I mentioned it is that I am a child of the 80's and my knowledge of the saturday morning cartoons is still something I remember.

I know that there was no damn care bear NAMED NANCY!!!!

Whatever, Roz, whatever.

I am just glad I had a good time and got to win some prizes for my friends.


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