Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My Trip to Gettysburg

While I was helping to escort my father and my mother to Maryland to visit family, I decided to use the week as a vacation. I really needed it. So me and My brother took a trip to Gettysburg, Pa, which isn't that far from where we were.

The whole scenery was amazing. You could almost feel the resonance emitting from the ground of what happened there. All the museums and other tours were fascinating as well.

One of the strangest things that Gettysburg has is that people still LIVE there! How crazy is that? Me and my brother are touring the battlefield and we come across a barn that has a satelite dish on it! Even the tour said, observe from the room so you don't disturb the inhabitants. How insane. Why hasn't the state of PA bought them out?

Below are some of the photos I took with my digital camera.


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