Thursday, December 15, 2005

Spam Subject Lines

We all get spam, practically on a daily basis. Most of us have spam filters that block the oncoming flood. But lately, the spammers have inserted a program that places random words in the subject lines in order to bypass the filter. What is so cool to me is that those random words wound up sounding kinda cool, like poetry. Here is some that I recieved recently.

monic it's turntable on beast the yoga

dioxide or left albatross

Trans-shipping be imbecile, and Woolsworth

Or dance of hospitalise

rainfall a integrable some opposition not alcott

scrupulous it's australite yugoslavia (Australite? Is that the Australian form of Pedialite?)

A turnon in knit (whoa)

his allow an mnemonics squirter (who would allow that??)

pitchblende a homecoming, see cronic try

Farris Schmeler informal (Yeah, sure, I missed my chance to go to the Farris Schmeler Informal. I hear they serve good tea there)

Not have to liquidize airplane (For God's Sake, YES, let's hope we don't have to liquidize the airplane!)

yachtsmen it's caste on mongoose and ( And? And? And what??? Don't leave us hanging like that. I wanna hear about the Yachtsmen and The Mongoose!!)


Blogger Johnnynorms said...

Fun stuff, and it reminds me of the Random Surreal Generator (

11:27 AM  

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