Saturday, January 01, 2005

Funny Science Story

During my high school days, I was remembering a unique science accident I had. Well, my group had.

The project was simple, hell everybody has done it. Burn sugar in a teaspoon over a bunsen burner. When the sugar hits up super fast, you get burnt caramel.

Angie was holding the teaspoon. It began to sizzle. Then she held it too close and it flared up. Like a girl of her age, she screamed and tossed the spoon away. It landed on a nearby open text book. As expected, the text book caught fire.

The kids began to panic. They were screaming for a fire extinquisher. However, I remained calm. At that time in my life, I was something of an aronist. I never started a fire I couldn't put out and as a result, I knew a little something about fire. I knew it needed oxygen to fuel itself.

So while the others ran to get the extinquisher, I simply closed the book, snuffing the flame.

The kids got a B for their efforts in the experiment.

I got an A. :)


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