Thursday, January 06, 2005

Peak Season = Day 4

It feels so strange to arrive in the dark and knowing full well I will be leaving in the dark.

I stopped by Chick-Fil-La to grab some breakfast. I'll need my strength for the dark hours ahead.

As I walk through the back door, I make my way toward my desk. I am immediately greeted by Super Nerd. He gets of my nerves a lot. "Greetings, Commander." he gaggs.

"I am not your commander, moron." I tell him.

"I understand you've been having margins problems."

"I'll figure it out."

"Might I suggest that if you close the react valves on engines 4 and 5 . . "

I shove past him, " Get the hell outta my face, spammer."

"Yes, Commander. Have a great day. Warp factor 9 and prosper." Super Nerd says.

I reach my desk and turn on my fan immediately. It's hot in here. Kane stops by with his morning coffee. "Hey, Jason." he tells me.

"Morning, man." I reply.

"What is the deal with Super Nerd? Why does he look like the geek brother of Frankenstein?"

"That's cause he is Super Nerd. Rumor has it, he was built in an undeground bunker, made from parts of lesser nerds."

"I see." Kane sips on his coffee, " Anyway, good luck today."

"It's Thursday." I sigh, "Good luck to us all."



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