Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The Last Run

"HERE THEY COME!" Big Stan screams.

I look up to see the hordes and hordes of customers who always bombard us in the last half of my shift. I duck back down and grab my rifle. Iron Lung isn't moving, so I grab him by the collar and we both run through the parking lot.

The rest of the soldiers run, turn and fire, then run some more. I pause to take a pot shot at somebody but I miss. I've been missing for the last hour. Someone screams that they can't get into the program and they are getting a exe error. Kool-Daddy doesn't hesitate ; he sends the customer a fax and takes off running.

Iron Lung has stopped. He's coughing again. Before I can grab him again, I hear Lord Kane screaming, "RPG FROM HP!"

The ink filled rocket flies at us and we are forced to duck by a car. The rocket explodes and my ears are ringing. Kane is coming to help us. I struggled to get up but there is a rain of asphalt clanging on my head. Iron Lung is now offically not moving but at least he's still coughing. I grab his right arm and Kane grabs his left arm. Frankie and DellRay lay down a surpressing fire as we manage to get into the building.

I close the door and drop Iron Lung on the floor. Kane is panting for breath. Moxie runs over and gives us all a glass of swee tea, weak still. As I chug mine, Kane just laughs. "Hell of a break, huh?"

"Yeah, " Iron Lung coughs, "Hell of a break."

Supervisor #4 comes over to us and says, "We still got call holding, gentlemen."

"We're on it." I tell him.

Kane walks to his seat and I bring Iron Lung to his.



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