Friday, March 11, 2005

The Tremor

At the race track stood the three friends known as The General, Big Neo and SkullSmasher. They were watching their race horses perform. Recently they had adopted a hobby of breeding and racing horses. It was relaxing to all of them.

Then Big Neo grunted and grabbed his chest. "Ugh, shit." he coughed.

"Neo, what's wrong?" immediatley asked The General.

"That burrito from Chipolte coming back up stream?" asked SkullSmasher.

"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, "Neo whispered, "As if a billion cool guys just screamed HOLY SHIT and then felt silent. I fear . . .something terrrible is happening."

Elsewhere, Big Daddy P holds the car door open for his wife, allowing her to get in the passenger side. He takes a deep breath as they are soon to be on their way to the Ashlee Simpson concert.


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