Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Creamy Basil Chicken Breast

Man, this ain't bad! Either that or I was more hungry than I thought.

However, I was chastised by the food serving lady that I must place the chicken on the noodles FIRST. I, obviously, didn't do that. Well, It doesn't matter to me, It'll all get eaten. However, if she wants the noodles on the plate first, then why are the noodles second down the line of the table?

201 calls holding the Primary queue.

The effects of my Mocha Frappacino are starting to wear off. I am getting ahead of myself in my calls, cause I am telling the customer things they should be doing AHEAD of time. I had to collect myself and concentrate.

It's mid day and I don't know what my call volume is. I haven't looked. We'll see at the end of the day . . . If am I still able to think.

And the hits just keep on coming.


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