Thursday, January 06, 2005

High Hopes

The day has been a struggle. I am behind schedule. I am only at 19 calls. I would have had 26 or so on any normal day.

I take a food break while the bombs echo in the distance.

The catering had been fabulous this season. Even these sandwiches taste good and the tea is FINALLY not weak. I won't look a gift horse in the mouth though. I still drink it regardless.

These are not real peanuts in this peanut butter cookie though. It's only a few. It's mostly peaunut butter candy chips.

We should enjoy the catering while we can. We'd have to start rationing our food as long as the battle continues.

Iron Lung some fine today and Sugarless isn't coughing. I think Big Stan is lost though. No one has seen him.

We'll all keep an eye out for our comrades.


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