Tuesday, January 04, 2005

2nd day of Peak season = done

Second day is gone and I am relatively unscratched.

During the last few minutes of the call, there was a lone customer out there in the secondary queue but I was unable to assist them. Due to the nature of the primary queue being flooded, I couldn't help them so as a result I stayed 15 minutes past my shift end. I think one of the other people wound up helping them. Hard to say.

Todays call total = 45. Not bad, but I was no where near breaking my record. Sometimes the calls just don't play along.

Iron Lung gave me my dime back. That's cool but it wasn't a big deal.

Now I am starving. Time to go home and get some food . . . . . . .

and do this all over again tomorrow. (sigh)


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