Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Mid Day Pause

Once again the catering is impressive. Im having some of their chocolate pie. QUITE good.

Mid Day has come and I am taking a pause during my lunch break. I need it. I need it to recollect myself.

My friend Iron Lung can't stop coughing. I pointed to the bottled water sitting next to him and he does drink it but it doesn't seem to help much. He made me promise if he passes out to carry him out of here. I got no problem with that. My former superviser taught me to never leave a wounded soldier behind.

The funny part is I've heard Iron Lung cough more today that Sugarless does. IN fact, she hasn't coughed at all today. I am glad she is doing okay. Why wouldn't she? She's got Buster to keep her happy.

Oh, yeah, and I spoke to Fidel Castro today. Good to see he is feeling better.


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