Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Random Sketchs

As the sketch points out, I was losing my mind that day.

Shark Attack

My friend Chip sent me this picture.

I got him Bob The Surfer for christmas one year I believe and he added the special shark from the Shark Rack company.

Take care, Chip. Where ever you are. I miss you, buddy.

The Struggle

I wake up and not only are my covers all out of whack, I got a dry mouth and a moaning cat demanding her food.

This is my typical wake up call.

I get up at 5:30 am, and before you label me as "crazy", the only reason I do it is so I don't "rush" to get out of the house on my way to work. I prefer to take my time. Not to mention it's a struggle to wake up in the morning. I get up, I walk toward the kitchen followed by my starving cat, I pour her food, I gently stroke her side (she expects it) and then I walk into the living room and sit down where the TV is still playing.

It's set to mute so I don't hear what these people are saying but judging from the word bubbles and the "did you know" shit flashing on the screen, I'm assuming they are selling Herbs. Talking about this stuff they say will clean you out. Maybe but I ain't buying. First off the guy selling this junk looks like John Water's little brother with his razor thin pencil mustache. I wouldn't trust this guy to check me out of a book store let alone sell me herbs "designed" to clean me out.

Oh, yeah, me and my brother are bunnies on City of Villains.

So Watch out.