Friday, February 24, 2006

Illustration Friday : Tea

I was trying to think about about Tea and it reminded me of that guady monstrosity that was my Aunt Gennie's tea pot. It was ugly but we all loved it. It had it's uniqe personality.

It made some decent earl grey too.

The Postcard Gallery

New website has been set up. The link is on the right. Enjoy!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Desktop Critters Part 2

The last time I showed the Desktop Critters here at the call center, I got the most emails and responses from my friends how much they loved them. So here is the encore of the ones I missed the second time around.


Petrified Dinosaur

This was a gift I gave to my friend Sharon after my trip out west to view The Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest.

In case no one knows, petrified wood is a wood that resembles rock but it's simply wood that is over a million years old!

Water Bottles

Not exactly a desktop critter horde but whatever works for them, I suppose.

The Avenging Unicorn

Ellen has this little critter at her desk and it punctures the little men it has around her to help her feel better. On the horn is a mime and below it's hooves is an annoying salesman. The Hippy Chick better run or she's next.

Purple Poodle

This poodle hangs by a thread while it guard's Ellen's potted plant.

Is that purple? I guess that is a light purple.

The Lion King

Everybody needs motivation.

The Emperor

Not sure what this is but it looks cool

Little Wolfie

This little guy resides at Jamie's desk, guarding her monitor.

Scruffles and Puffy

These guys, man, are they lazy. All they do is lay around at my friend Dawnya's desk. Scuffles is the sole survivor of Max and Erma's, happy that he has a home here at the call Center. Puffy just stares into the ceiling, with not a care in the world.

Mean Bear

picked up this little dude at Tower Records. He seemed like the perfect critter to guard my hard-drive

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Illustration Friday: Song

The song of the hour is Stevie Wonder's Uptight (All Right) Go out and purchase it or download it. I promise you'll like it.

What is your song of the hour? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Illustration Friday : Chair

I scanned this from my sketchbook when I heard about this week's title. Don't we all wish we had a possessed chair?

Ten points to whoever can guess the movie that inspired me. Posted by Picasa

The Bad Boys

How do these guys spend their time? They stand on a corner in a space station, insulting people.

From left to Right, DEXO, Ray and Stoner the Goblin. Posted by Picasa

Blog Joke

Sandi gave this to me and I got a great laugh out of it. I even drew a goatee on the character so he looked a little bit more like me. Posted by Picasa

The Group Stare

Little did many people know, I posted this in my pod so that my boys here were staring at someone in particular. Posted by Picasa

Sick as . . . .

I drew this when I felt really bad one day. Luckily they let me go home. Posted by Picasa

Posed the Question . . .

An interesting questin, eh? Posted by Picasa

Devlin Fires

I am glad my guns are slowly starting to look like actual guns. Well, cartoon guns at any rate. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Tech Support Call of the Day

I do my best to help every single customer I can. But there are those unfortunate incidents where something things are out of my hands.

I had just spoken with a customer. He had made a backup from a windows 98 machine and then tried to restore it into a Windows XP machine. It failed on the three sets of backup disks he used. Then I figured it's a windows platform issue.

I advised him to get some new diskettes and REFORMAT them inside the windows xp system. Then take those diskettes to the windows 98 machine, make a new backup, then proceed to restore. About 9 times out of 10, this always works.

The customer proceeded to reformat a brand new diskette . . . .

Please insert disk into drive.

Customer = "What the hell is going on? The disk is in the damn drive."

Jason = "It is in, sir?"

Customer = "Yes! I just said it was!"

Jason = "I am so sorry, sir. That could only mean that the a drive isn't working."

ackward pause.

Jason = "Sir?"

Customer = "Tell you are lying."

Jason = "Sir, I don't want to tell you this but it's the only logical conclusion left."

Customer = (beep) (beep)

Jason = "I am sorry sir, but it is the only-"

Customer = "Oh, I know it's the only (beep) (Beep) logical conclusion. That is why I am pissed! Oh, that (beep)ing (beep) ! They never hooked up my A drive! Son of a (beep)!"

Jason = "I am sorry this happened, sir."

Customer = "Oh, you just ruined my day. Oh, that (beep)ing . . . .I am gonna kill him."

Jason = "Uh . ..anything else you need sir?"

customer then hung up the phone.

I hope he gets another A drive and doesn't do anything drastic. :)