Suggestive Pop Tarts.
What the hell is this?

My friend JD showed me this wrapper and I had to scan it to show everybody else.
The wrapper of these Pop Tarts shows a suggestive cartoon. On the right is a woman with "curvy" hips. To the left is a man, who is pointing to what appears to be a "smile" near his crotch area and he says, "Let me do the talking."
It's happened before. Cartoonist sneaking in "Inuendo" in their cartoon strips. Jessica Rabbit flashing her breast in a single frame of the movie. Woody from Toy Story having a "bulge" in his pants during a Burger King Promotion.
Could this be another case of that? Below is a image of the same picture I had to HIGHLIGHT certain sections of the wrapper in photo shop, simply because it wouldn't scan right. Click on it for better viewing.