Friday, January 07, 2005

Peak Season = Day 5

Usually I am glad when it's Friday. It's easier. The call volume is lighter. The day goes by faster.

There are no good fridays in Peak Season.

After eating my breakfast, I went to starbucks and grabbed another Mocha Frappaucino. I am about five minutes from work. The traffic is backing up ahead. I poke my head out of my vehicle to see the Tax Gestapo checking vehicles. I hate these guys. Thank God they don't work for us.

By the time they get to me, I already hold out my papers. The Gestapo on my right shines a flashlight in my face. "Was ist Ihr Namen, Mein Herr?" he asks me.

"Jason." I reply.


"Which one do I look like?" I reply, frustrated by their interigation.

The Gestapo on my left checks off something on his board. He nodds to the right Gestapo and he motions me forward. As I drive, I look to my left to see them escorting a poor soul away. His hands are tied behind his back and he's got a dot matrix printer hanging around his neck. Poor guy. Margins will do that to ya.

Once I make it to work, I find my ususal pole position in the back. When I get out of my car, I look up to the top of the building. It's not hard to miss him. A giant Mecha is perched on the top of the building. His arms are gatling guns and he's got a missle laucher on each shoulder. Kane is standing in the parking lot staring at him. "Hey, Kane," I call, "What is this Mecha doing here?"

"That ain't just any Mecha, Jason, " Kane smiles, "That is a MRSR. One of the new models. His name is Skull-Smasher."

"What is a MRSR?" I ask.

"Mobile-Robo-Senior-Rep." Kane laughs, "He's on Tech Source."

"That . . . .is on Tech Source?" I stare in disbelief.

"Look at it this way. He's bound to know more answers that Super Nerd."

We both walk into the building. As I make it to my desk, Kane tells me that Big Stan is still missing. "He'll turn up." I assure him.

"You really think so?" he replies,"We lose one every year."

"Big Stan? I doubt it will be him."

"Then we'll have to remain hopeful."

"Of course. If you don't have hope, you don't get through this. We'll be fine, Kane. Trust me."

"I hope you're right." He says, shaking my hand before we get on the phones.

Here we go again.


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