Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Drawing # 26

"ode to my favorite cousin."
I went ahead and posted this a few hours ahead of schedule, because I have a lot to say. :)
In my childhood, I spent some very fun summer weekends with my favorite cousin, Tasha in Buford. One of little things we did was go up the street to a convenience store, where loe and behold, they had a claw machine. IN fact, I am pretty sure that was where I developed my love of the dang things. I found I was good at it. My depth perception was just keen for these sort of things. Of course, the majority of the items in the claw machine I didn't want; so Tasha, Grandma, my aunt and my mother reaped the benefits. Mostly Tasha. :) I remember the old lady behind the counter remembered me because I was the best she'd ever seen.
I AM . .the best. I always will be. When it comes to claw machines, NOBODY is going to cool out my action.
I love you, Tasha. Thanks for the great stroll down memory lane. And if you need to shoot me an email some time, you can access from my profile over there on the right.

Monday, August 28, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
Illustration Friday: Run

The Adventure gang is on the RUN!!!!
A classic take on the Scooby Gang but I decided to bump things up a bit by making the majority of the gang in their late twentys, followed by two pets, babysitting the girl's younger brother and befriended by a fire-breathing humanoid monster named Quesa-zilla.
And yes, the monster is on their side so he's running with them, NOT chasing them. :)

Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Drawing # 20

"What does that look like to you?"
"It looks like a warrior Penguin, with a bunny on his arm . . .screaming in pain."
This is the conversation I had with my brother. He was funny enough to brain storm two new characters for us. Admiral Perry Penguin and his buddy Prestone. The Admiral is a grizzled war veteran between the Penguins and The Polar Bears. And Prestone is his valet. He's called Prestone because he drank too much anti-freeze, making him immune to the cold. It also left the bunny a little crazy.
Thanks for these cool critters, John.