Friday, January 07, 2005

Pork Day

Todays lunch is either bar-b-q chicken or bar-b-q pork. I choose the pork cause it's traditional. I help myself to some beans and cole slaw too. I left the buns behind cause they never steam them. They ALWAYS just take them out fo the bag and put them down in the basket. They taste like crap that way.

I walk back to the trenchs were the bombing occurs in the distance. With Skullsmasher over our heads, the bombing doesn't seem as bad.

Kane is eating his food next to Heartbreaker. I sit down next to them and they bid me hello. I begin to eat heavily cause I am starving. After a few bites, I take a sip of my tea and nearly gag. "Uhh!" I grunt.

"Yeah, we know." Heartbreaker moans.

"What da hell is this swill?" I ask.

"It's tea, man. Drink up, be merry." Kane tells me.

"The tea was fine yesterday!" I protest.

"That was yesterday. They are rationing tea leaves again. With any luck, they'll have better tea next week." Heartbreaker informs us.

As long as they don't start rationing the food, then we're okay.

I chug it down with my food, hoping to get a Coke later.


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