Friday, September 30, 2005

Illustration Friday: Float

Sometimes . . .you just got to Float

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Zombie Waitress

As you saw earlier, I managed to get up in time to go get me some breakfast. I went to the Waffle House located near my workplace. When I went in and placed my order, I noticed that one of the waitresses looked dead. She had a pale skin for a black woman and there was a mixture of a mustard yellow color on her face.


After the waitress got my order, I asked, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," she replied with a smile.

I pointed toward her coworker. "Is she dead?" I asked.

"She might as well be." The Waitressed sighed.

I start to sip my coke and am thankful the zombie waitress didn't take my order.

Call Live Links

You just might get to talk to Evangeline Lily.

Bloody Lovely, Tell your mother!

woke up early thanks to my stupid cat and came in to surf the internet. Decided to post some images, get caught up so to speak.

Image poster isn't working at the moment.

Bloody Lovely.

So here I am sitting in the dark, trying to make up my mind about two things: do I go get breakfast or go back to sleep for another thirty minutes?

Or both?

Hard to say: I haven't made up my mind yet.


My stomach says I should get some breakfast, so I will treat myself to some. And head into work and have another glorious day.

What day is this?

Better yet, what MONTH is this?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

And I am sick of this crap too . . .

I've been getting comments but they weren't real comments. They are on that automatic shit, meaning I am getting advirtiseing comments.

So i have turned on the word recognition where you will be asked to type in a special code before you can post a comment.

sorry for the annoyance but I would like comments from real people.


Ta Hell With It . . . .

I was holding off posting much of anything else cause I wanted to give any body from the Dragon Con website enough time to see my photos . . .but it would seem that those people who run their website are taking their sweet time in posting up my link, and as a result, everybody who comes here wanting to see my art work gets the back burner.

But I have waited long enough.

For those who like my artwork, here is some that I made during Dragon Con.

For those coming to see the Dragon Con photos, more are on the way but they will have to wait till Post-A-Thon Day.

For everybody else who finds my website, stick around. You might find the laugh you need.


Dragon Con Sketch 1

Fan Boy. Hardly see that term applied in modern comic book conventions anymore. Posted by Picasa

Dragon Con Sketch 2

Applejack controlling the masses. Posted by Picasa

Dragon Con Sketch 3

When we head to dragon con, we scream this, in the spirit of Captain Kirk screaming KAHN in Star Trek 2. It's become a tradition Posted by Picasa

Dragon Sketch 4

This a satire piece. No offense meant to Nerds everywhere. Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 23, 2005

Illustration Friday: Fresh

A new take on a classic joke. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Hey, everybody

Updates are coming in a special way. I've been prepping for the upcoming Aniversary of Strange Ways. As you can see on the right hand side, the website began in October of 2004 so it is arriving to it's one year aniversary.

During one of those weekends, I plan to celebrate by posting as much as possible in the span of 24 hours. I don't know if there are any records I can break but who cares? I plan on doing it anyway.

During that time you will see

Little Snippets of stuff
Comic Book Covers
Funny Pictures with my own captions
Photos I've taken
My favorite photos
Images I've scanned
and ANYTHING else in case I run out of ideas

on a side note, for those wanting more Dragon Con photos, I do plan on posting some but I was trying to hold out till the Dragon Con website establishes a link for me. They may or may not. I will wait another 2 weeks, and if it hasn't happened by then, I will go ahead and post the rest during the October Post-A-Thon.

Thank you.


Saturday, September 17, 2005

This is a test

Just passing through. My other blog is not posting at the moment. I hope it is temporary.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Illustration Friday: Escape

Excellent word. Reminds me of an action movie, where the great Escape happens.

Bonus below = stick around for the Dragon Con Photos Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Illustration Friday; Depth

An old artist's trick with shows the critters in a dimension of serious Depth. Posted by Picasa

Lost Sunglasses

I found these sunglasses in the lobby level of the floor of the Marriott. These were found within a seat cushion just by the escalator going down that leads to the bottom floor, where all the costume picture taking happens. Judging by their size and shape, they are definately female. If these are yours, shoot me an email and I will return them to you. Posted by Picasa

Autograph From Mercedes McNabb

This lovely lady is a star from the Buffy and Angel series, playing the ditzy vampire secretary. In real life, she is a very sweet person. When I went to get her autograph, I couldn't help but to choose the cheesecake shot. Other things I noticed; she freezes easily in the AC cause she was wearing a sweater and she has a thing for frozen coffee drinks. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Matrix Faction

The Morpheus is well done. Shame couldn't get a picture of him with the earlier Agent Smith. Posted by Picasa

Iron Man

very nicely done. Impressive work Posted by Picasa

Trooper Pimps

These guys get more creative every year. Posted by Picasa

Look closely . . .

Yes the monkey man is interesting but that dude in the background . . .he looks happy that somebody split his head open!! Posted by Picasa

Interesting Group

Buddy Christ, a belly dancer and Silent Bob. Interesting trio Posted by Picasa

Super Heroes

The Worlds Finest with a New Batgirl and Catwoman. This is one comic book I would like to see. Posted by Picasa

War Hammer 1

I hope these guys won some kinda prize this year. Posted by Picasa

War Hammer 2

Watching these poor guys get in and out of elevators was also the highlight of dragon con Posted by Picasa


At least this lady was nice enough to bring a toy representation of who she was dressed up as. I can't keep track of all these characters. Posted by Picasa

Lord of The Rings Faction

didn't see much of them this year Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 12, 2005

More Photos

Yes, my readers, there are more Dragon Con Photos on the way. The next grouping will be by my friend Big Neo, who took his digital camera this year.

Very good photos, and decent high rez on the appropiate screen. Enjoy.



Roaming Babes

It's a amazing, isn't it? Throw some babes in front of a flock of geeks and they can't help but take thier picture. Posted by Picasa

Costumed Crowd

Captain Sparrow, Female Willie Wonka, a demon in the background and a few students from House Slytherin Posted by Picasa

Cutie Pies

I love these stylized outfits but I don't know who they are supposed to be. Some sort to animae, perhaps? Posted by Picasa

Blue Feathered Girl

I don't think she was supposed to be anybody in particular but of course, Big Neo couldn't help himself. Posted by Picasa


I am surprised you didn't see any variation from the Batman Begins movie. They would have been easier to create Posted by Picasa