Friday, January 07, 2005


This payroll question is driving me crazy.

I've been on the call for thirty minutes, tried everything I can think of. I put the customer on hold for a few minutes, so I can let myself think. But I am still on the clock so I must think fast. Supervisor #2 comes over to check on me, seeing the distressed look on my face. "Can't figure it out?" she says.

"I will." I assure her.

"Call tech source." she tells me.

"No," I quietly whisper.

"Jason, call tech source." she repeats.

"I don't want to."

"Jason, call them!" she orders.

"OKAY!" I quickly reply, and I finally dial the number to get to the senior reps.

"Tech Source, this is SkullSmasher." the Mecha answers.

"Uh . .hey, I got a payroll problem. Her payroll for this one employee doesn't calculate right and I've checked everything-"

"Card is corrupted, rebuild it." it answers.

"Huh?" I stammer, not expecting an answer that quick.

"The card is corrupted. Rebuilt it, " the machine repeats.

"How do you know that?" I inquire.

"I know everything." It protests.



"What is the capital of Thailand?"


"What is Robert De Niro's Production company?" I ask.

"TriBeCa Productions, formed in 1989."

"What does Laser stand for?"

"Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation."

"Does the LochNess Monster exist?"

"He did. About 200 million years ago."

"Who is going to win the Superbowl two years from now?"

"The Cleavland Browns."

"Really?" I gasp.

"NO. Now get back on the phone, the customer is waiting."

I immediately hang up the phone and tell the customer to recreate the employee's card.

It worked.

Guess SkullSmasher knows what he is talking about.


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