Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Cathy's Story
My good friend Cathy asked me to post a very humorous story of hers. Below is the story and it is hilarious. Not suitable for anyone below the age of 13.
Maybe 12, depending on where you are from.
"I'm typing away at my desk, reading email and checking orders for today, when I get an email from her about some little boy dying of cancer. I hear her say she doesn't know if it's true, so I lean back and say, "Tracy. Come here. We're going to find out about this right now." I go to and find it and tell her not to send me those chain letters again. But she's curious about this site now, and goes back to her cube and pulls up the site and I go back to work.
It's quiet for about a minute or so before I hear, "ew... Is that true? Can that happen?" I'm afraid to ask, so I stay quiet and I hear someone else ask for me and the answer is something about semen. I don't want to know, but the conversation continues. Finally, I can't stand it anymore and I answer them both, "NO." End of discussion? Of course not! She leans back and asks me (with the other girl leaning in as though she doesn't know either.... and she didn't),
"You can't get pregnant from swallowing it?"
I stare at her for a few she serious?
"No" I say, "You can't."
"But it's still going down there, isn't it?"
"....." So many things are going through my mind, but I decide to be nice and kindly remind her of certain reasons why it is not possible.
Now think about this for just a moment. The two women I'm speaking to are in their early thirties, with two children each.... and they're asking *me* with genuine curiosity and ignorance. :)
*tsk tsk tsk* These are moments that make work fun for me. The people." ~ Cathy
Maybe 12, depending on where you are from.
"I'm typing away at my desk, reading email and checking orders for today, when I get an email from her about some little boy dying of cancer. I hear her say she doesn't know if it's true, so I lean back and say, "Tracy. Come here. We're going to find out about this right now." I go to and find it and tell her not to send me those chain letters again. But she's curious about this site now, and goes back to her cube and pulls up the site and I go back to work.
It's quiet for about a minute or so before I hear, "ew... Is that true? Can that happen?" I'm afraid to ask, so I stay quiet and I hear someone else ask for me and the answer is something about semen. I don't want to know, but the conversation continues. Finally, I can't stand it anymore and I answer them both, "NO." End of discussion? Of course not! She leans back and asks me (with the other girl leaning in as though she doesn't know either.... and she didn't),
"You can't get pregnant from swallowing it?"
I stare at her for a few she serious?
"No" I say, "You can't."
"But it's still going down there, isn't it?"
"....." So many things are going through my mind, but I decide to be nice and kindly remind her of certain reasons why it is not possible.
Now think about this for just a moment. The two women I'm speaking to are in their early thirties, with two children each.... and they're asking *me* with genuine curiosity and ignorance. :)
*tsk tsk tsk* These are moments that make work fun for me. The people." ~ Cathy
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Cool Names of the Week
Shelby Crumlich
Marianna Papa
Barbara ConCannon
Jeanine Yingling (a lot of "ings" in this name)
Chasity Caress (whoa)
Thais Flaherty
Jonathan Abraxis (No shit? I thought Abraxis was a cheesy sci-fi movie staring Jesse Ventura)
Marianna Papa
Barbara ConCannon
Jeanine Yingling (a lot of "ings" in this name)
Chasity Caress (whoa)
Thais Flaherty
Jonathan Abraxis (No shit? I thought Abraxis was a cheesy sci-fi movie staring Jesse Ventura)
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Happy Easter
Happy Easter, everybody.
I went to church this morning and it was a unique sermon. The ways of my old church are long since gone. Now it seems the preacher doens't speak much but the other members of the congregation do. Quite interesting.
The preacher's son had a moving sermon behind me. So much that he spit on me twice. I don't mind cause I enjoyed what he said. He was truely touched by the spirit of God.
Being around churchs and my family was good today. I was moved and I thought of my departed Grandma Housch. Rest in peace, grandma. I miss you.
My friend Sandi once took me to the catholic church with her. During a reception after the service, I saw this young minister collapsed into the lap of the minister who taught him. The older man was crippled and in a wheel chair. Yet he still had enough strength to bless the younger man who was humbled before him. It was a truely moving experience. Thank you, Sandi. I will never forget it.
Happy Easter and our prayers go out to all familes on this wonderous day.
We'll come back to the regularly scheduled insanity tomorrow. :)
I went to church this morning and it was a unique sermon. The ways of my old church are long since gone. Now it seems the preacher doens't speak much but the other members of the congregation do. Quite interesting.
The preacher's son had a moving sermon behind me. So much that he spit on me twice. I don't mind cause I enjoyed what he said. He was truely touched by the spirit of God.
Being around churchs and my family was good today. I was moved and I thought of my departed Grandma Housch. Rest in peace, grandma. I miss you.
My friend Sandi once took me to the catholic church with her. During a reception after the service, I saw this young minister collapsed into the lap of the minister who taught him. The older man was crippled and in a wheel chair. Yet he still had enough strength to bless the younger man who was humbled before him. It was a truely moving experience. Thank you, Sandi. I will never forget it.
Happy Easter and our prayers go out to all familes on this wonderous day.
We'll come back to the regularly scheduled insanity tomorrow. :)
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Another Solution?
There are days in tech support when I wonder how these people have any business being on a computer, let alone our program.
The customer called in. She was transfering data from one machine to another. She already knew how to do this. She could make a backup from one machine and restore it to another. However, the problem came up when the fact arose that one machine had a floppy drive and the other did not.
Most modern machines stopped putting them on anyway.s
Then the next solution was to make a backup to a cdrom. Not a bad procedure, the only problem is that our program can not backup directly to the cd rom. Therefore she can backup to the c drive and then use whatever burning program she has to place it on the cd rom.
Therein lies the problem.
Therefore the customer created another solution.
She was gonna take the computer back to the store and MAKE THEM install a floppy drive.
Yes, thanks, lady. Excellent solution.
The customer called in. She was transfering data from one machine to another. She already knew how to do this. She could make a backup from one machine and restore it to another. However, the problem came up when the fact arose that one machine had a floppy drive and the other did not.
Most modern machines stopped putting them on anyway.s
Then the next solution was to make a backup to a cdrom. Not a bad procedure, the only problem is that our program can not backup directly to the cd rom. Therefore she can backup to the c drive and then use whatever burning program she has to place it on the cd rom.
Therein lies the problem.
Therefore the customer created another solution.
She was gonna take the computer back to the store and MAKE THEM install a floppy drive.
Yes, thanks, lady. Excellent solution.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Last Night at D & B
Last night we had our team meeting at Dave and Busters. The food was pretty good. What me and Rod thought were micro-queses, turned out to be micro-pizzas. The desert was a center piece that consided of M&Ms, Peanut M&Ms and skittles. "I hate biting into something I think is an M&M but it turns out to be skittle," Rod mentioned. I couldn't agree more.
After the dinner we went to play our games in individual teams. Our referee that told us what to do was half-drunk I think but it made the experience all the more fun. Our first game was a basketball hoops game. I managed to rack up 25 points which isn't bad considering I don't play that game at all. The funny part was Ramona, a very nice girl who doesn't talk that much. Yet here we see her rack up 39 points. I asked her when she was quitting our company and going to go try out for the NBA. We all shared a good laugh.
The other three games were a horse racing game, the Daytona racing game and then last but not least, skee ball. What sucked is that we didn't play the shooting game which is something I am good at. That was my only disapointment of the evening.
Later I went to my game (which I still don't remember the name of) and scored over 1000 tickets. I cashed them in and went shopping for stuff with Sandi. Roz joined us and evetually we all picked up stuff animals. I wanted to get something for my friend Linda and Johnnie. That place doesn't have anything I want for lower tickets.
Roz then asked what her carebear was named. I read the tag to her. Its name was Bedtime Bear. She replied, "Uh, uh! Her name is Nancy."
"That is just a tag they put on there to give the kids something to relate to. The bear's name is Bed Time Bear." I told her.
"It says right here, HER NAME IS NANCY!" she says, holding up the tag as if I can't read.
I didn't decide to argue any further. If she wanted it that way, whatever. The only reason I mentioned it is that I am a child of the 80's and my knowledge of the saturday morning cartoons is still something I remember.
I know that there was no damn care bear NAMED NANCY!!!!
Whatever, Roz, whatever.
I am just glad I had a good time and got to win some prizes for my friends.
After the dinner we went to play our games in individual teams. Our referee that told us what to do was half-drunk I think but it made the experience all the more fun. Our first game was a basketball hoops game. I managed to rack up 25 points which isn't bad considering I don't play that game at all. The funny part was Ramona, a very nice girl who doesn't talk that much. Yet here we see her rack up 39 points. I asked her when she was quitting our company and going to go try out for the NBA. We all shared a good laugh.
The other three games were a horse racing game, the Daytona racing game and then last but not least, skee ball. What sucked is that we didn't play the shooting game which is something I am good at. That was my only disapointment of the evening.
Later I went to my game (which I still don't remember the name of) and scored over 1000 tickets. I cashed them in and went shopping for stuff with Sandi. Roz joined us and evetually we all picked up stuff animals. I wanted to get something for my friend Linda and Johnnie. That place doesn't have anything I want for lower tickets.
Roz then asked what her carebear was named. I read the tag to her. Its name was Bedtime Bear. She replied, "Uh, uh! Her name is Nancy."
"That is just a tag they put on there to give the kids something to relate to. The bear's name is Bed Time Bear." I told her.
"It says right here, HER NAME IS NANCY!" she says, holding up the tag as if I can't read.
I didn't decide to argue any further. If she wanted it that way, whatever. The only reason I mentioned it is that I am a child of the 80's and my knowledge of the saturday morning cartoons is still something I remember.
I know that there was no damn care bear NAMED NANCY!!!!
Whatever, Roz, whatever.
I am just glad I had a good time and got to win some prizes for my friends.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Wrong Jason
A customer called and immediately greeted me as if i had just spoken with her.
Although I hadn't.
I started to read through the notes and realized she was talking to Jasen, my friend I refer to as Big Jay. But since I offered my name as Jason, she quickly assumed I was my friend.
I assisted her with her issue and got it resolved. It was a simple windows and cascade issue. When I was over I thanked her for choosing Primary Software and she replied, "Thank you. You are the best technican there."
I thanked her for her comment. But the funny part is, she still thought I was Big Jay and not me.
Doesn't matter. We're all one big happy family.
Although I hadn't.
I started to read through the notes and realized she was talking to Jasen, my friend I refer to as Big Jay. But since I offered my name as Jason, she quickly assumed I was my friend.
I assisted her with her issue and got it resolved. It was a simple windows and cascade issue. When I was over I thanked her for choosing Primary Software and she replied, "Thank you. You are the best technican there."
I thanked her for her comment. But the funny part is, she still thought I was Big Jay and not me.
Doesn't matter. We're all one big happy family.
Famous Quote From Peak Season Past
"I will never forget this day, the day that I came to Primary City and fought one million pissed off customers. These are great times we're livin, bros. We're Jolly Green giants walking the earth with guns and laptops. I love the little dumb shits, I really do. These people that we wasted today are the finest people you and I will ever know. When we rotate back to the world, we're gonna miss not having anyone around worth shootin!"
`The General, at the end of Peak Season 1999
`The General, at the end of Peak Season 1999
Customer's Say The Darndest Things
I was assisting a customer is restoring her backup. Then it came time to insert the floppy disk into the driver. The customer proceeds to say, "All righty then. Let's insert this little butt-puppy."
Excuse me? BUTT PUPPY????
Geeze, these people, I swear.
Excuse me? BUTT PUPPY????
Geeze, these people, I swear.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Cool Names of the Past Week
Mono Abbas
Christine Goldthreat
Vaiva Pack
Michelle Mitchell (this makes it tempting to say Michelle Michelle)
Mike MoSure (I am unsure why the s is captialized)
Christine Goldthreat
Vaiva Pack
Michelle Mitchell (this makes it tempting to say Michelle Michelle)
Mike MoSure (I am unsure why the s is captialized)
Sunday, March 13, 2005
All she wants to do is Dance Video
One of my favorite videos of the 80's is Don Henley's All She Wants to Do is Dance video. This has the lead singer in a bombed out club performing the song in a war torn country, presumably South American.
But what makes the video so much fun is that it seem, by accident, he has packed his video with celebrity lookalikes. The resemblance on some is only slight but the others are dead on, like the drummer.
Click on the lower image for higher resolution and feel free to leave a comment with what you think.

But what makes the video so much fun is that it seem, by accident, he has packed his video with celebrity lookalikes. The resemblance on some is only slight but the others are dead on, like the drummer.
Click on the lower image for higher resolution and feel free to leave a comment with what you think.


Friday, March 11, 2005
The Tremor
At the race track stood the three friends known as The General, Big Neo and SkullSmasher. They were watching their race horses perform. Recently they had adopted a hobby of breeding and racing horses. It was relaxing to all of them.
Then Big Neo grunted and grabbed his chest. "Ugh, shit." he coughed.
"Neo, what's wrong?" immediatley asked The General.
"That burrito from Chipolte coming back up stream?" asked SkullSmasher.
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, "Neo whispered, "As if a billion cool guys just screamed HOLY SHIT and then felt silent. I fear . . .something terrrible is happening."
Elsewhere, Big Daddy P holds the car door open for his wife, allowing her to get in the passenger side. He takes a deep breath as they are soon to be on their way to the Ashlee Simpson concert.
Then Big Neo grunted and grabbed his chest. "Ugh, shit." he coughed.
"Neo, what's wrong?" immediatley asked The General.
"That burrito from Chipolte coming back up stream?" asked SkullSmasher.
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, "Neo whispered, "As if a billion cool guys just screamed HOLY SHIT and then felt silent. I fear . . .something terrrible is happening."
Elsewhere, Big Daddy P holds the car door open for his wife, allowing her to get in the passenger side. He takes a deep breath as they are soon to be on their way to the Ashlee Simpson concert.
New Comic Strips
Recently I started a series of Tech Support Comic Strips, complete with zany characters like Ninja, Bathroom Nazi and Willie Wildman. I made sure to post them in descending order to make them easier to read.
Also below them are three segments in the Lunacy Universe. Little Tina is trying to make herself a super genius but it backfires and does something interesting to her cat Rim.
I hope you enjoy.
Also below them are three segments in the Lunacy Universe. Little Tina is trying to make herself a super genius but it backfires and does something interesting to her cat Rim.
I hope you enjoy.